Rock Hill Newborn Photographer | Elodie / by Kelli Conley

I absolutely love the McPhail Family and couldn't have been more delighted when I found out Elodie had been born. Her nursery was adorable and I know she will be spoiled to pieces by her mommy and daddy! I have also had the opportunity to see their son Graham grow up the past few years and cannot wait to see how awesome of a big brother he is to Elodie. He was such a ham in these photos and loves her so much already! (And was excited to meet her before she was even born.... check out their maternity session from last fall here) 2015-02-21_00212015-02-21_00282015-02-21_00292015-02-21_00262015-02-21_00272015-02-21_00302015-02-21_00232015-02-21_00252015-02-21_00222015-02-21_0031