I cannot believe my bestest, best friend in the whole wide world is getting married!! It seems like just yesterday we were meeting for the first time in the 8th grade and have been inseparable ever since. That is until I moved across the country to South Carolina while Sarah was still in California. But distance makes the heart grow fonder and Sarah and I have the kind of friendship where when we see each other it’s as if it was yesterday, even though it may have been a year. That is one of the things that I absolutely love about her. So when she first introduced me to Todd I felt that same way with him and every time since. So it was just natural when they came out here to see me and have their engagement session in the sunflowers… and you can tell that in their pictures! I am so honored to be able to be in Sarah’s wedding in California in October and I honestly can’t wait to see how beautiful my best friend is as a bride!!!